Software-centric threat modeling example

Designing for security combines both technical detail with pragmatic and actionable advice as to how you can implement threat modeling within your security program. In addition to being a requirement for dod acquisition, cyber threat modeling is of great interest to other federal programs, including the department of homeland security and nasa. This threat modeling process consists on the process for attack simulation and threat analysis p. This publication focuses on one type of system threat modeling. Technical people look at the content of these pages to see how they start the threat modeling process. Add threat modelling to your web application security best practices among any list of enterprise web application security best practices, threat modelling is essential. Threat models may be assetcentric, attackercentric or software centric, depending on how the team conceptualizes risks. The 12 threatmodeling methods summarized in this post come from a variety of sources and target different parts of the process. The game uses a variety of techniques to do so in an enticing, supportive.

Microsoft developed the tool and we use it internally on many of our products. To prevent threats from taking advantage of system flaws, administrators can use threat modeling methods to inform defensive measures. Elevation of privilege is a card game for developers which entices them to learn and execute software centric threat modeling. But security testing does not provide due importance to threat modeling and risk analysis simultaneously that affects confidentiality and integrity of the system. The purpose of threat modeling is to provide defenders with a systematic analysis of what controls or defenses need to be included, given the nature of the system, the probable attackers profile, the most likely attack vectors, and the assets most desired by an attacker. Threats exist even if there are no vulnerabilities. In this blog post, i summarize 12 available threat modeling methods. Each threat type defines the initial value for each threat property. Threat modeling involves understanding the complexity of the system and. Mar 07, 2014 sdl threat modeling tool beta software centric tool the microsoft sdl threat modeling tool beta allows for structured analysis, proactive mitigation and tracking of potential security and privacy issues in new and existing applications. Conceptually, a threat modeling practice flows from a methodology. The intervention that you as a leader need to do is to create active link between risk management and threat modelling. Sep 15, 2012 this means to consider the attack as a mean to the attacker goals.

Owasp is a nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software. Our goals asses a virtual appliance with zero initial knowledge map its attack surface develop a threat model 7. The technique is based on the observation that the software architecture threats we are concerned with are clustered. With help from a deck of cards see an example in figure 6, analysts can. In this course, threat modeling with the microsoft threat modeling tool, youll learn how to use the microsoft threat modeling tool to perform application threat modeling. Chapter 6 and chapter 7 examine process for attack simulation and threat analysis pasta. Software and attack centric integrated threat modeling for. A practical approach to threat modeling for digital. Threat modeling is a procedure to optimize security by identifying objectives and vulnerabilities and then defining counter measures to prevent or mitigate the effects of the threats present in the system. Typically, these methods start with a team of smart people and a white board, discussing all possible negative outcomes, then using a model like stride to guide the development of processes. Recommended approach to threat modeling of it systems tech. Dec 19, 2014 security testing is a process of determining risks present in the system states and protects them from vulnerabilities.

To do that you need to understand the application you are building, examples of. Pasta provides an attackercentric analysis structure to help users. Evaluation of threat modeling methodologies theseus. Dec 03, 2018 attacks can disable systems entirely or lead to the leaking of sensitive information, which would diminish consumer trust in the system provider. There are three approaches to threat modeling they are attacker centric, software centric and asset centric. Experiences threat modeling at microsoft ceur workshop. Familiarize yourself with software threat modeling software. Chapter 3 focuses on existing threat modeling approaches, and chapter 4 discusses integrating threat modeling within the different types of software development lifecycles sdlcs. Stride threats per element for data stores which are logs, we are concerned with repudiation issues, and attacks on the data store to delete. Pdf towards a systematic threat modeling approach for.

Data centric system threat modeling is threat modeling that is 160. Numerous threat modeling methodologies are available for implementation. Threat modeling is also used to refer, variously, to analysis of software, orga nizational. Threat modeling in sdlc will ensure the security builtin from the very beginning of the application development. Towards a systematic threat modeling approach for cyber. Change business process for example, add or change steps in a process or. No one threat modeling method is recommended over another. In this context, a tool to perform systematic analysis of threat modeling for cps is. Oct 19, 2019 approaches to threat modeling software centric data flow diagrams dfds october 19, 2019 18.

Threat modeling is the use of models to consider security. Sep 19, 20 software centric software centric threat modeling also called systemcentric, designcentric, or architecturecentric starts from the design of the system, and attempts to step through a model of the system, looking for types of attacks against each element of the model. Experiences threat modeling at microsoft 5 the technique is to note that for each type of element within the dfd, there are threats we tend to see, and thus look for elements as shown in table 2. Threat modelling 101 attacker centric aka attack trees software, system, design or architecture centric asset centric aka traditional risk analysis 5. Almost all software systems today face a variety of threats, and the. Experiences threat modeling at microsoft 5 well as repeatability. Add threat modelling to your web application security best. Nov, 2016 this talk will present a software centric method of threat modeling that uses risk patterns to increase the speed of creating a threat model and that also introduces a degree of consistency into. Each of these examples has an analog in the software world, but for now. Pdf towards a systematic threat modeling approach for cyber. Threat modeling a process by which potential threats can be identified, enumerated, and prioritized all from a hypothetical attackers point of view. Security professionals often argue that such approaches to threat modeling should be classified as the inevitable result of a software centric design approach. That is, how to use models to predict and prevent problems, even before youve started coding. Threat modeling is a method of preemptively diagramming potential threats and.

Abstract threat modelling is a component in security risk analysis, and it is commonly conducted by applying a speci. Threat modeling is most often applied to software applications, but it can be used for operating systems and devices with equal effectiveness. From the very first chapter, it teaches the reader how to threat model. This approach is used in threat modeling in microsofts security.

Threat modeling, designing for security ebook by adam. Apr 15, 2016 assetcentric approaches to threat modeling utilize attack trees, attack graphs, or through visually illustrating patterns by which an asset can be attacked. Every threat property in this tab will show up in the preset list for every threat type. Risk analysis includes identification, evaluation and assessment of risks. Familiarize yourself with software threat modeling. Recommended approach to threat modeling of it systems 20709 4 komentarze threat modeling is the crucial process of finding potential securityrelated weaknesses on both technical and process level in each it system. Attackers motivations are often considered, for example, the nsa wants to read this email, or jon wants to copy this dvd and share it with his friends. Software centric threat modeling, also referred to as systemcentric, designcentric or architecturecentric, begins with the design model of the system under consideration, focusing on all possible attacks that target each of the model elements. Pasta process for attack simulation and threat analysis. Organizational threat modeling attackercentric attackercentric threat modeling starts with an attacker, and evaluates their goals, and how they might achieve them. It provides an introduction to various types of application threat modeling and. Assetcentric approaches to threat modeling involve identifying the assets of an organization entrusted to a system or software data processed by the software.

The essence of the technique is to note that for each type of element within the dfd, there are threats we tend to see, and thus look for elements as shown in. Threats could be malicious, accidental, due to a natural event, an insider, an outsider, a single software choice can result in many threats. Provides a unique howto for security and software developers who need to design secure products and systems and test their designs explains how to threat model and explores various threat modeling approaches, such as assetcentric, attackercentric and software centric provides effective approaches and techniques that have been proven at. Data assets are usually classified according to data sensitivity and their intrinsic value to a potential attacker, in order to prioritize risk levels. Threat modeling is a process by which potential threats, such as structural vulnerabilities or the absence of appropriate safeguards, can be identified, enumerated, and mitigations can be prioritized. The purpose of threat modeling is to provide defenders with a systematic. Softwarecentric threat modeling also called systemcentric, designcentric, or architecturecentric starts from the design of the system, and attempts to step through a model of the system, looking for types of attacks against each element of the model. The attackercentric approach focuses on identifying the attacker, evaluating their goals, and attempting to predict how these goals might be achieved by the attacker. Dobbs jolt award finalist since bruce schneiers secrets and lies and applied cryptography. Examples of assets are buildings and real estate, precious metals or minerals. Threat modeling in software development 11 m ng l ng ng ng secure software engineering security problem analysis threat modeling security design modeling risk assessment etc. Examples of assets are buildings and real estate, precious metals or minerals, money. Software centric threat modeling, also referred to as systemcentric, designcentric, or architecturecentric, begins with the design model of the system under consideration.

Complexity analysis for problem definition in an assembletoorder process. Request pdf software and attack centric integrated threat modeling for quantitative. Drawing developers into threat modeling adam shostack adam. As a prerequisite, we assume we have a buyin from the management. First, youll discover that the software centric threat modeling approach is greatly enhanced by taking advantage of the microsoft threat modeling tool. It assists in determining multistep attacks and the methods through which the attacker can reach the asset. This talk will present a software centric method of threat modeling that uses risk patterns to increase the speed of creating a threat model and that also introduces a degree of consistency into. Assetcentric threat modeling often involves some level of. When cyber threat modeling is applied to systems being developed it can reduce fielded vulnerabilities and costly late rework. That can be really simple, such as we consider the random oracle threat model, or it can be a more structured and systematic analytic approach, such as using data flow diagrams to model an application and stride to find threats against it. The foundation of this application threat modeling methodology is a new risk framework and process. Attacker may access customer data via multiple perspectives may lead to a lot overlapping threats, but will also increase threat coverage multiple perspectives may lead to a lot overlapping threats, but will also increase threat coverage. Threat modeling and risk management is the focus of chapter 5.

Typically, threat modeling has been implemented using one of four approaches independently, assetcentric, attackercentric, and softwarecentric. Software centric software centric threat modeling also called systemcentric, designcentric, or architecturecentric starts from the design of the system, and attempts to step through a model of the system, looking for types of attacks against each element of the model. Performing threat modeling on cyberphysical systems with a variety of stakeholders can help catch threats across a wide spectrum of threat types. In this example, the mitigation threat property is a text control and the dread threat property is a list control. Riskdriven security testing using risk analysis with threat. Application threat modeling on the main website for the owasp foundation. Complexity analysis for problem definition in an assembleto order process. Threat modeling is a type of risk analysis used to identify security defects in the design phase of an information system.